Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Beer Can Burgers

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I am not the most creative person on  the planet. I have a hard time coming up with "good" ideas -food wise- on my own. Thank the BBQ Gods for Social Media! Between Facebook, Twitter & Instagram I now have an encyclopedia of different recipes to try! 

A while back, one of the big deals on the innerwebs was the "Beer Can Burger". Of course, we had to try it! 

We started out with some 80/20 ground beef. I like lower fat on these burgers because the bacon adds plenty. Make no mistake, these burgers are meant to be over the top! We used about 8 ozs of meat per burger. 

Don't let the name fool you. It's not mandatory to use a beer can. In fact, if you want to be completely correct, ours would be called Coke Can Burgers. 😉

Be sure you wash your can first (and your hands, but you should already know that!) . Then take your meat and form a big meatball. Once you have a nice round globe of meat, grab your can and press it down onto the meatball and begin forming the meat around the can. The idea is to create a vessel where you get to add piles of extra stuff (we'll get to the extra stuff in a minute!)

Once you have a nicely formed meat vessel, wrap each one with two slices of thin bacon. As usual, bacon is the Duct Tape of BBQ - bacon holds it all together. 

Once your burgers are formed, you can begin to think about the extras - the filling. We filled these Beer Can Burgers with sauteed mushrooms & onions, crumbled bacon and shredded cheddar cheese. The beauty of these monsters is you can fill them with anything! I've stuffed a cup of creamy Mac & Cheese in there, a pile of chili, pulled pork, shredded beef, just veggies (GAH!). You're only limited by your imagination. 

Once you've got the burgers filled with your favorite stuffing, add a nice pile of shredded cheese to the top and fire up the smoker!

We smoked these beauties at around 275 for an hour or so. We used Apple wood smoke. 

If you haven't tried a Beer Can Burger yet, be sure to add it to your summertime BBQ menu this year. Your guests will never forget!

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