Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Chicken Cordon Bleu Fatty!

While strolling down the memory lane of my Google photos this morning, I came across a handful of photos from a cook we did last summer. A couple of years ago, my buddy Matt turned me on the the Bacon Explosion. This was our first foray into the world of the BBQ Fatty!

Once my wife mastered the art of the bacon weave, we decided we needed to figure out how many different Fatties we could come up with. One of our successes we called the “Chicken Cordon Bleu Fatty”. It goes something like this….


1 lb thin sliced bacon
8-10 boneless skinless chicken breasts
½ lb sliced ham
½ lb sliced Swiss cheese
Salt, pepper, garlic (to taste)

Step 1
First things first...flatten the chicken. Pound them out to about ½ in thick.

Step 2

The magnificent Bacon Weave. Check out our video on making a bacon weave.(coming soon!)

Step 3

Arrange the flattened chicken breasts out on the bacon weave. Make sure to arrange in such a way as to leave some bacon showing on all four sides. This will allow you to seal the roll with bacon when we roll it up. Throw on some SPG, to your taste.

Step 4

On top of the chicken arrange a layer of sliced ham

Step 5

Atop the ham goes a layer of Swiss cheese.

Step 6

The Wrap! This is the tricky part. We normally make our bacon weaves on a piece of parchment paper. It is much easier to roll the fatty when parchment paper is involved. Start with one side of the bacon weave and slowly & steadily start rolling. Like I said above, you’ll want to leave a good inch of bacon showing all the way around so you can seal up the fatty once it’s rolled up. Make sure to arrange the bacon so it covers up the entire roll.

Step 7

On our first one we added a basic rub to the bacon before cooking. Here’s a link to my basic rub recipe. This step is optional.

Step 8

Cook it! We smoked ours on the offset smoker using Oak and Hickory. I kept the temp up around 275-300F until the probe hit an internal temp of 160. My memory is a little fuzzy, but I want to say it took about an hour or so. (Full disclosure – BBQ has taught me to not pay attention to time as much as temp. “It’s done when it’s done” is my motto these days.)

Once you hit 160F internally, pull it from the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes of so. Then slice and enjoy the Chicken Cordon Bleu Fatty!

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