Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Another home run!!

I love gadgets. I also love BBQ'ing/smoking/grilling.  What could be a better gift than gadgets I can use for BBQ?  Apparently the in-laws know the answer to that question, because once again they hit another home run (I also love baseball!).

For this year's birthday I was super excited to get an early birthday gift package from my wife's folks. They've been around for a few of our early culinary creations and they know how much we love to cook. Once again they ran with that idea and got me more great gifts and tools to help hone my skills in the pit.

Thanks again J&P for the silicone gloves, meat claws, basting brush and (best of all!) the infrared thermometer! They will all go to good use starting this weekend! Awesome gifts ( AGAIN!!)

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