Sunday, July 12, 2015

Bbq pit OR Mancave?

What a wonderful weekend it's been.  I have been able to hang with the coolest Pitmaster in the northeast.
We made some delicious food and our "pit" is coming together nicely.  We received & stacked 1/4 of a cord of wood.  That's stacked and ready for putting some heat to a fire.
We have designated a corner of the yard for our pit area.  Along with our happy little stack of wood there are some chairs, a fire pit and of course the smoker.  I love it... It's kinda like a Mancave, only girls are allowed in the pit. Lol
So Saturday my husband decided to try his hand at chicken again.....he does this to himself all the time.  You ever make something with no real pressure and it comes out phenomenal and when you want to recreate and improve you don't so so well??? This was one of those times....
So the chicken came out just as delicious this time he just didn't like the appearance of it.   A few pieces got a little charred but under the skin was some pretty tasty meat!!
I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure we will be  doing some more chicken. ;)

We also tried doing a smoked Mac and cheese on the grill.  Now we have done this before but we actually smoked the cheese before making the Mac & cheese.  This time we didn't presmoke the cheese we put the sauce together on the stove top and instead of putting it in The oven we smoked it in the grill.
Between those two methods I think smoking the cheese before and making it with that is a good and a quick way to do it, and I learned that you should have a little more sauce than not as it seemed to dry out on the smoker OR was it the lb of bread crumbs I put on it?? I don't know but it was good and I can't wait to try another one.  So that was Saturday.
Sunday we decided to pick up a pizza stone and peel and try our hand at pizza on the grill. They came out soooo good too.  If you don't have a pizza stone for your grill you should get one.  I was actually surprised the peel was more expensive than the stone, but both definitely worth the investments.
We had a lot of fun making our pizzas and putting them on the grill and seeing them come out melted and golden brown.  MmmmmMmmMmmmmmm.
So life is good in the pit!!  The "man" can have his "man cave"..we have our pit.. And Good things happen in the pit!!
Their is always something to learn or try next!! So much Bbq.... So little time!
So again I hope you've enjoyed reading our smoking diary.... And I hope you come back for more of what's to come in Big Ricky's Bbq pit!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Leslie, and now that I am going to use Google+ a bit more I am going to stay tuned in to the Pit Master and my Buddy who I miss (and you as well). Glad you are both doing so well. By the way, hook me up with your wood guy as that is more than a 1/4 cord of wood!!!
