Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My version of the beginning

Hello everyone, 
I'd like to introduce myself & welcome you to our smoking diary.
My name is Leslie....aka "The REAL boss!".  Lol. Although I like to think that sometimes about a lot of things...THIS not one of these times.  Rick IS the  Pitmaster!!

My version of the beginning is similar to his, only I want to express how this can become in instant hobby/addiction.
For his birthday 3 years ago I was having coffee with my aunt and she had mentioned how she bought her boyfriend a smoker. Call it an epifaney if you will but I decided that it was something Rick would like and felt the need to go with it.
I bought him the Brinkman black bullet smoker because it was an inexpensive start and in case it wasn't "his thing".
Boyyyyyyy is it his thing!!  He was hooked instantly!  We started smoking the usual...ribs, pork butts and other various things. Rick started watching Youtube videos on upgrading and improving your Brinkman. Yet another reason he loves this hobby.  He loves to tinker and make things "better" lol

I also learned being married to Rick, patience is not his middle name!!
When you become a smoker... You learn to have patience.  Between brining, chilling, and the whole smoking process, you will learn that not only the actual smoked food looks and tastes so good, but the hanging out listening to Red Sox games or playing fetch with your dog or even just hanging out around the smoker and talking is just as enjoyable as the food!

I also have to say that the enthusiasm and enjoyment and smiles Rick gets from anything is what I like the best ( next to the food!!). I love to see him just as excited about the 15th pork butt as he was the first. I love to see him so happy and proud!!
So there is my introduction and if you take anything away from this...if you can't think of what to get your man for a gift, consider a smoker. You'll be glad you did.
There is soooo much more to come, we hope you like our lighthearted jokes and our smoking diary.

Come back soon!


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