Friday, July 24, 2015

Review: Stump Chunks fire starter

A few months ago , on a trip to my local hardware store I found a display at the register offering free samples of Stump Chunks firestarter.  Always looking for new stuff to try in the pit, I grabbed the small bag and read the label. It seems these brothers from my home state of New Hampshire discovered the ground up pieces of tree stumps ( They're loggers, I presume) make a great natural fire starter.

I took the free sample home and gave it a try. I grabbed a big handful out of the bag and piled it in my fire box. I dumped about a 1/2 a chimney of charcoal briquettes  on top and fired up the propane torch. The Stump Chunks lit quickly and spread fast. It burned hot and plenty long enough to get the coals rolling. 

Test two was a pile underneath a charcoal chimney. Again, the Stump Chunks worked famously at getting the charcoal glowing in short order.  The third and final test was starting split firewood directly. I used no kindling and built the fire with 3 sticks of Oak. Another rousing success! I had the oak fully afire in minutes!

Stump Chunks starts like paper and burns like kindling!  Since its just wood there is zero problem with taste to your food.

If you're starting a grill, a smoker, a fire pit or wood stove, check out Stump Chunks. I highly recommend it!

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