Wednesday, July 8, 2015

In the beginning (his side of the story)

In the beginning...

Hi I'm Rick, the Pit Boss. 

It started about 5 or 6 years ago when I met this vision I now call my wife, Leslie.. The way to her heart , i found, was cooking together and discovering new and delicious eats we had never tried making on our own. Our best dates, in my opinion, were ( and still are) spent in the kitchen cooking.

Fast forward to about 3 years ago in late July. My birthday was right around the corner and Leslie was, once again, vexed over what to get me. I can't possible fathom what popped into her pretty little head to come up with this idea, but on August 4, 2013  at 11:00 AM I became the proud owner of my very first BBQ smoker.  

It was a simple beast, the Brinkmann vertical water smoker. Knowing I might easily grow bored or frustrated, Leslie wisely chose an inexpensive, yet functional, unit. To her surprise, the opposite occurred! I became a BBQ/Smoking fiend!!

We started out with the usual ribs and pork butts and everything was coming out fantastic! We discovered a couple of things in the beginning. Namely, we liked to eat BBQ'd food a lot! Second, we found that with a little patience and some research smoking and drying meat was not that difficult.

We consider ourselves beginners, but we are finding the learning, creating,preparing and sharing is just as exciting and enjoyable as it is to eat our creations!

While the "old" Brinkmann is still alive and kicking, we've moved  up a bit to a larger offset smoker and are in the planning stages of building a smoke house. We use only charcoal (lump & briquettes) and hard wood (mostly hickory, apple, oak & maple) and have sworn off gas or electric smokers or grills forever!

We recently began visiting area BBQ competitions and sampling the wares. Once again the BBQ bug bit us square on the butt (see what I did there?) and now we're making plans to compete in our first BBQ competition next spring! For now, its just practice, practice, practice!

Thanks for stopping by. We'll be adding more and more photos of past and future creations, as well as stories of our journey through the smoke. We encourage your feedback and welcome advice and/or suggestions.

Smoke on!

Big Ricky

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